
diffsims.generators.sphere_mesh_generators.get_cube_mesh_vertices(resolution, grid_type='spherified_corner')[source]#

Return the (x, y, z) coordinates of the vertices of a cube mesh on a sphere. To generate the mesh, a cube is made to surround the sphere. The surfaces of the cube are subdivided into a grid. The vectors from the origin to these grid points are normalized to unit length. The grid on the cube can be generated in three ways, see grid_type and reference [Cajaravelli2015].

  • resolution (float) – The maximum angle in degrees between first nearest neighbor grid points.

  • grid_type (str) – The type of cube grid, can be either normalized or spherified_edge or spherified_corner (default). For details see notes.


points_in_cartesian – Rows are x, y, z where z is the 001 pole direction

Return type:

numpy.ndarray (N,3)


The resolution determines the maximum angle between first nearest neighbor grid points, but to get an integer number of points between the cube face center and the edges, the number of grid points is rounded up. In practice this means that resolution is always an upper limit. Additionally, where on the grid this maximum angle will be will depend on the type of grid chosen. Resolution says something about the maximum angle but nothing about the distribution of nearest neighbor angles or the minimum angle - also this is fixed by the chosen grid.

In the normalized grid, the grid on the surface of the cube is linear. The maximum angle between nearest neighbors is found between the <001> directions and the first grid point towards the <011> directions. Points approaching the edges and corners of the cube will have a smaller angular deviation, so orientation space will be oversampled there compared to the cube faces <001>.

In the spherified_edge grid, the grid is constructed so that there are still two sets of perpendicular grid lines parallel to the {100} directions on each cube face, but the spacing of the grid lines is chosen so that the angles between the grid points on the line connecting the face centers (<001>) to the edges (<011>) are equal. The maximum angle is also between the <001> directions and the first grid point towards the <011> edges. This grid slightly oversamples the directions between <011> and <111>

The spherified_corner case is similar to the spherified_edge case, but the spacing of the grid lines is chosen so that the angles between the grid points on the line connecting the face centers to the cube corners (<111>) is equal. The maximum angle in this grid is from the corners to the first grid point towards the cube face centers.



O. S. Cajaravelli, “Four Ways to Create a Mesh for a Sphere,”