
Created on 31 Oct 2019

Module provides optimised fft and Fourier transform approximation.

@author: Rob Tovey


convolve(arr1, arr2[, dx, axes])

Performs a centred convolution of input arrays

fast_abs(x[, y])

Fast computation of abs of an array


Returns the smallest integer greater than input such that the fft can be computed efficiently at this size

fftn(a[, s, axes, norm])


Fast implementation of fft_shift: fft(fftshift_phase(x)) = fft_shift(fft(x))


Converts Fourier frequencies to spatial coordinates.

get_DFT([X, Y])

Returns discrete analogues for the Fourier/inverse Fourier transform pair defined from grid X to grid Y and back again.

get_recip_points(ndim[, n, dX, rX, dY, rY])

Returns a minimal pair of real and Fourier grids which satisfy each given requirement.

ifftn(a[, s, axes, norm])

plan_fft(A[, n, axis, norm])

Plans an fft for repeated use.

plan_ifft(A[, n, axis, norm])

Plans an ifft for repeated use.


Converts spatial coordinates to Fourier frequencies.